Lord Christensen's Mojave Adventure

In September of 2001 just before the attacks on the world trade centers, I re-enlisted to stay in the army. As part of my re-enlistment I got to choose my next duty station. The reenlistment guy showed me a list of places I could go one of which was Fort Irwin California. It took me all of 10 seconds to tell him that was what I wanted. Instantly I could picture it in my head. The high Mojave Desert, reptiles everywhere, and me smack in the middle of it. I am a reptile lover and I knew that by me being stationed at Fort Irwin I would encounter reptiles that I had only dreamed about. Animals that I had only seen in pictures. About 4 months later I cleared Fort Campbell Kentucky and began the road trip southwest in my 1996 Lincoln Town Car and made the 3 day journey. I had arrived. Even though it was dead in the middle of winter the Mojave Desert was unmistakeable. Although I lived in a small apartment, directly behind the complex was a large expanse of open desert that stretched for several hundred yards. There were cholla cactus spread about with prickly pear and creosote bush's everywhere. God how I wanted the winter to end right then and there. During my assignment at the National Training Center I engorged myself in the desert. I took pictures of as many reptiles as I possibley could and surrounded myself with them whenever possible. I became known as the reptile guy especially since I was about the only one who would mess with rattlesnakes that were indigenous to the area. This website was started in 2003 as Lord Christensen's Mojave Adventure and is dedicated to my experiences in the High Desert.